Gateway W350a Drivers For Mac
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Thanks for the reply, i would also really like to know what to look for in a laptop drive to know if it is compatible with my laptop. Im gonna buy the same drive for replacement but would still like to learn about the different factors when looking for a compatible drive for future reference.
Does anyone have any info they can give/ link me? Right now what i have found out from google is that the ide settings of the drive are some to look at any more info would be appreciated TIA again P.S. Right now my pipe dream would be to put the drive in my laptop here is a link to the specs of the disk drives that could of come with the laptop the particular drive in my laptop is the sony ad-7563a if anyone can confirm that the BD Disk drive would/would't work in my laptop and why/why not would really be giving me a hand.
OK Ive never had so many problems reinstalling an operating system as i have on this machine.was working day nothing.All i got was check cable exiting pcm no operating system found.ok i did what i could but,not my pc. Friend never did any back ups or restore points and didnt make the recovery cds i have the original cd thats it.ok first try on install there were a few errors.i got into command prompt and got them fixed fix boot fix mbr fix bcd.all completed.ran check disk finds no errors but at the end says something as could not find or read and the number 50.sorry i know thats that just what it said but im tring to remember everything.hard drive shows in BIOS.checed drive says ok SO THE INSTALL NOW GETS TO 2. SAYS INSTALLING.But never does i get this message at the endWindows could not assign a drive letter on disk 0, The specified partition does not exiton the target disk. The error occured while preparing the partiton selected for installation.Error code 0x80300002.then stops. During set up when the box comes up thats suppose to have the operating sys on it its blank it says load hard drive drivere,ive looked and looked but do not know what to look for in the files nothing says hard disc.
Gateway W350a Specs
Im sure its under some other abreaveation im sure but dont know which no driver loaded i dont beleave.Also another problem is in BIOS i can only scroll to time and date it will not let me scroll to the hard drive or anything else why would that be?its taken me along time just to get it to the install screen,pheww!its a nice machine very well taken care cameras had been attached no printers no cards.hard drive light stays on and shows its working.But even after all that im beleaving its bad. Ive used win 98.tryed to install xp went threw then it requires a format so i do so it gets to 100% then says cannot be closing.Im so hoping for an answer ive seen many people having the same problem with vista.i hope someone has found the answer.thank you all replys appreciated. Hi bob thanks for the reply.i think that is the best bet to get the replacement cds.Now my problem in doing that is the serial number is wore off.and gateway seems to do it all threw the serial number.And with the BIOS settings not scrolling i cant find it. Google earth pro for mac. They also want the model its a T-Series but does not say t-1425 or t- 1625 because under the model number w350a there is none on there site its under t-series but i cant find find it any wheres on laptop so i do not know what T Series it is is there a way to find out.also i think i used a ubuntu live cd to get a pass word and serial number 1 time i may try that seems weird the bios wont scroll only to time and date why would that be any ideas.thank you it possible hard drive could be corrupt?