Stuffit Expander 2010 For Mac
Stuffit Expander is a free decompression utility that may still be of use to some users -- especially, for example, when trying to decompress older Stuffit (.sit or.sitz) archives. Many users will do fine with just the built-in Archive Utility in Mac OS, which files and a wide variety of.tar archives and tarballs -- but older and boutique utilities like Stuffit Expander can help when handling more unusual formats, such as.rar files and esoteric suffixes like.kgb,.7z, and.arc. Stuffit Expander lets you decompress files with a quick drag and drop, or through the file menu, and the app handles more than 30 file formats. If you often need to decompress unusual and/or legacy files, Stuffit Expander can be a good addition to your toolbox. If you're looking for compression capabilities or more-advanced decompression options, check out Stuffit and Stuffit Deluxe.
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Download Stuffit Expander 2010. The definitive decompressor that supports 25 different formats. Stuffit Expander is a powerful decompressor that supports next to all file formats, no matter the program used to compress it or the Operating System. Stuffit Expander is a free decompression utility that may still be of use to some users -- especially, for example, when trying to decompress older Stuffit (.sit or.sitz) archives.

StuffIt Expander supports a wide variety of files you download everyday on the web or receive in email. More than 30 formats are supported including archives created with the latest StuffIt 2011, WinZip, WinRAR, 7-Zip, 7zX, iShrink, SimplyRAR, Rarify, Rucksack, iArchiver, BetterZip, RarMachine, GUI Tar, CleanArchiver, Springy, TarPit, RAR, Ez7z, Keka, sArchiver, and many more, including the compression utilities built into recent versions of Windows and Mac OS X.
Windows 2010 For Mac
Encrypted archives? Expander handles those too. Segmented or split archives are no problem for Expander.
Just drag, drop, and you're done.
Stuffit Expander is a powerful decompressor that supports next to all file formats, no matter the program used to compress it or the Operating System. Stuffit Expander can work with up to 25 different formats. Among those formats you find the most common Windows formats like ZIP or RAR and also some Linux compression formats like TAR, GZIP or BZIP. It works pretty good and it is easy to use. Canon photorecord for mac. Just drag and drop the files you want to decompress and Stuffit Expander will deal with them.
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Other supported formats are: SITX, SIT, SEA, BIN, HQX, CBR, BZ2, TGZ, LHA, MIME, ARC, GZ, CBZ, UUE, EXE, CAB, YENC, Z, PF and UU.